TGIF, San Francisco!

While Friday is a day I always look forward to I have been especially looking forward to Friday this week.  I’ve been out every night (partially my own doing) and work has been so crazy lately.  My body tells me I should take an evening off but plans are already in the works for this evening.  At least I’ll be able to go out tonight knowing that I wont need to get up before dawn tomorrow.

In other news, I’ve finished The Twilight Saga .  I really enjoyed it – in fact I read all four books in a little over a week.  Some may balk at the idea of reading them considering they’re in the YA section but hey, it’s more adult than Harry Potter and people of all ages enjoyed that.   That being said, my enthusiasm started to wane a bit in the last book.  Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed it but I didn’t agree with the story line the author decided to take.  I guess it doesn’t really matter but after thristily reading through the first three books I was expecting more for the last book of the series.  Ah well…it’s easy reading and for the most part keeps you on the edge of your seat.  For any local friends, you can borrow them if you’re interested although Suki already has first dibs!

This weekend is The Treasure Island Music Festival.  I had initially planned on attending but due to lack of funds and lack of interest from the majority of my friends, will not be attending.  However, reviewer extraordinare will be there.  Definitely keep an eye out for his review on his blog (and in Performer Magazine!).  He’s one of the few people whose reviews I actually enjoy reading; perhaps because he himself is an artist and reviews as such.

Please feel free to share your exiting weekend plans…especially if they involve events in SF!  I’m always up for hearing what is going on in our fair city!

3 thoughts on “TGIF, San Francisco!

  1. Dude…im halfway done with New Moon. Dont spoil ANYTHING for me. They are super addictive, and a great read…but now i’m worried about #4. I’ll let you know when I get there.

  2. Heh, my weekend… was spent with Jason. Pretty much the whole time, including Britta’s movie night, seeing Altar Boyz, farmer’s market, and some shopping for new bedclothes and pillows.

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