So I have two major runs I’ve been “training” for the past couple months. The first is on June 14th and I’ll be doing the running portion of the Escape From Alcatraz Triathlon.  While I’ve run a marathon, a half marathon and several 10-12 Ks, I’m very nervous about this 8 mile run. If you look at the course map, you can see it involved a lot of hills, beach running and a sand ladder! Last weekend I went out and ran on Baker Beach and up the stairs as well and I’m going to try to do that a few more times.
The next is the Nike Women’s Half Marathon in October. This run is so popular that you have to get in a lottery just to participate! I didn’t get in last year but I got in this year! Yay! I’m pretty stoked about this and am really hoping to have a time a decent time.
Also, this weekend is the annual Bay To Breakers. It’ll be my 9th year participating although I haven’t run it the past 2 years. I’m looking forward to this being a training run for June. It’s about 7.5 miles and I’m actually going to try to run to mile 6, then run home to catch a WW meeting. I’m not officially signed up so it’s not really important for me to run through the gates at the end. If I do that the run will be about 8 miles.
Lots of motivation and I’ve been able to decrease my per mile time so fingers crossed that continues!
Wait, people RUN Bay To Breakers? How do you do that without spilling your beer?
If you need help with training, I can borrow a chainsaw and a bicycle and chase you around the city.
Haha…thanks Quinn. I’ll keep that in mind. 😉
Escape from Alcatraz triathlon? I love the concept.
And good luck with the sand, it’s hell to run through!
Every time i see people running a marathon. I just think WHY!!!!?
As a non-runner, this is an impressive list. Way to go!
i wouldn’t run a marathon one time. i don’t know why you would run one multiple times. 😉
hope it goes well, regardless!