You can't handle the truth!!
- I have done about 2 hours of work today
- I’m on a Weight Watchers high and hope it continues
- I really wish I could find side job/project that would be interesting and fun and if it gives me more $$, always good
- AT&T commercials have been making me cry lately
- Excusing myself for the above as TOM is visiting
- I’m really looking forward to my runs this weekend…which I kind of find sick in a way
- I have been loving the “How well do you know me” quizzes on Facebook
- I’m having fun dating around lately…but still waiting to find someone who I feel as strongly for as I did my ex
- I really want to be at Dolores Park with something delicious from Tartine
- I really want to buy one of these
- I was not happy with the winner of America’s Next Top Model this season
- I love my family and friends and feel so incredibly blessed
- I like random blog postings 🙂