Day 24 was a proud day. I was concerned all week about a work dinner at a nice restaurant. I made sure I worked out in the morning and ate lightly throughout the day. I had already decided I wanted to enjoy the dinner. It was a special dinner that was great recognition for a small group of people at our company. We had a 4 course meal and I did an amazing job of enjoying the meal without overindulging. For me it felt really good because even though the portions were small, I ended up eating only about half of each course. I left feeling sated but not guilty or full. The truth came this morning where I got on the scale and I was down a pound from the day before, despite not having worked out this morning (I usually weigh AFTER I work out). Made me feel very accomplished and proud of myself.
Date: November 21st, 2013
Days Complete: 24
Tracked: Yes
Worked Out: Yes.30 minute run.
Feeling: Proud!
Good job! We had a pot luck at the church on Wed. and I’ve come to the conclusion they are not good – like a 10 course meal!