I like the number 33. Symmetrical, no evilness associated with it. Also the name of the Club in New Orleans Square in Disneyland….but I digress.
Another solid day. Managed to eat very healthy meals and got a 3 mile run in. I’m starting a 2 month training plan for my half marathon in February. I haven’t followed a plan outside of the few times I’ve done training for the SF Marathon. But for half marathons I usually just try to get in a few long runs prior to the race. This time I’m going to try and stick to an actual plan and see if it helps! Last night our book club was canceled and so we ended up at City Beer Store with a lot of homemade cookies. Since I had eaten so well and the cookies were so small, I did try 3.5 of the cookies. I wasn’t going to drink but then a couple of rare/seasonal bottles came out so I had small sips of each, just to partake. I didn’t feel like I was missing out on anything and stayed within my points. That’s a win for me!
Date: December 3rd, 2013
Days Complete: 3
Tracked: Yes
Worked Out: Yes. 30 minute run
Feeling: Good but COLD. Damn cold freeze coming into the bay area!!