I’m going to be straight up with you – this wasn’t my best day. It wasn’t a complete failure, but definitely not what I wanted. Started off kilter because I’d had a late night before. Alarm went off at 7am in hopes I could run before having to hit to road for Carmel at 10am. Just didn’t happen. I was exhausted and had a few nights of restless sleep earlier this week. So no problem. I’ve worked out almost every day this week so not a huge issue. Stopped at Starbucks for a semi-healthy breakfast/lunch. Felt good. Probably snacked a bit more than I should’ve at our Chateau Julien afterparty. No big deal. Dinner I actually didn’t do too bad – I just didn’t do amazing. I allowed myself to eat 2 pieces of bread, which I really should’ve avoided. But you know, I’m not going to kick myself over it. Going to get back up and do better today. I have to fly to DC today so traveling is always a challenge. But I know I can do well like I did a month ago. Learning to be healthy under less than desirable circumstances is actually a good thing. Despite all this, I did track yesterday as well as I could guess in terms of points, etc. So as I said before, not a complete failure.
Date: December 8th, 2013
Days Complete: 8
Tracked: Yes
Worked Out: No
Feeling: Hopeful that I have no flight/crazy weather delays this morning.